Wed, 03 Apr 2019 15:24:15 +0000
[15:24:15] Composing titles...
[15:24:15] Composing excerpts...
[15:24:15] Composing duplicate indicators...
[15:24:15] Composing authors...
[15:24:15] Composing slugs...
[15:24:15] Composing menu order...
[15:24:15] Composing contents...
[15:24:15] Composing dates...
[15:24:15] Composing terms for `Categorie` taxonomy...
[15:24:15] Composing custom parameters...
[15:24:15] Composing URLs for images...
[15:24:15] Composing URLs for attachments files...
[15:24:15] Composing unique keys...
[15:24:15] Processing posts...
[15:24:15] Data parsing via add-ons...
[15:24:15] Composing advanced custom fields...
[15:24:15] ---
[15:24:15] Record #1
[15:24:15] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:15] Combine all data for post `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale`...
[15:24:15] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale`...
[15:24:15] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale - torta-di-piselli-asparagi-e-filetti-di-sgombro-al-naturale`...
[15:24:15] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale`
[15:24:15] CREATING `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:16] Associate post `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale` with current import ...
[15:24:16] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:16] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] IMAGES:
[15:24:16] - Importing image `` for `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale` ...
[15:24:16] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:16] - Search for existing image `torta-piselli-e-sgombro-1.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:16] - Found existing image with ID `12321` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `torta-piselli-e-sgombro-1.jpg`...
[15:24:16] - Using existing image `torta-piselli-e-sgombro-1.jpg` for post `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale` ...
[15:24:16] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:16] - Attachment with ID: `12321` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:16] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:16] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:16] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:16] CREATED `Torta di piselli, asparagi e Filetti di Sgombro al naturale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12454)
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:16] ---
[15:24:16] Record #2
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:16] Combine all data for post `Rilette di sgombro`...
[15:24:16] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Rilette di sgombro`...
[15:24:16] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Rilette di sgombro - rilette-di-sgombro`...
[15:24:16] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Rilette di sgombro`
[15:24:16] CREATING `Rilette di sgombro` `Ricetta`
[15:24:16] Associate post `Rilette di sgombro` with current import ...
[15:24:16] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:16] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:16] IMAGES:
[15:24:16] - Importing image `` for `Rilette di sgombro` ...
[15:24:16] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:16] - Search for existing image `rilette-di-sgombro_Fb.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:16] - Found existing image with ID `12284` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `rilette-di-sgombro_Fb.jpg`...
[15:24:16] - Using existing image `rilette-di-sgombro_Fb.jpg` for post `Rilette di sgombro` ...
[15:24:16] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:16] - Attachment with ID: `12284` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:16] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:16] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:16] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:16] CREATED `Rilette di sgombro` `Ricetta` (ID: 12455)
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:16] ---
[15:24:16] Record #3
[15:24:16] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:16] Combine all data for post `Avocado Toast`...
[15:24:16] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Avocado Toast`...
[15:24:16] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Avocado Toast - avocado-toast`...
[15:24:16] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Avocado Toast`
[15:24:16] CREATING `Avocado Toast` `Ricetta`
[15:24:17] Associate post `Avocado Toast` with current import ...
[15:24:17] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:17] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] IMAGES:
[15:24:17] - Importing image `` for `Avocado Toast` ...
[15:24:17] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:17] - Search for existing image `avocado-toast.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:17] - Found existing image with ID `12074` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `avocado-toast.png`...
[15:24:17] - Using existing image `avocado-toast.png` for post `Avocado Toast` ...
[15:24:17] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:17] - Attachment with ID: `12074` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:17] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:17] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:17] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:17] CREATED `Avocado Toast` `Ricetta` (ID: 12456)
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:17] ---
[15:24:17] Record #4
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:17] Combine all data for post `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:17] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:17] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale - insalata-ceci-tonno-basso-sale`...
[15:24:17] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale`
[15:24:17] CREATING `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:17] Associate post `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale` with current import ...
[15:24:17] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:17] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:17] IMAGES:
[15:24:17] - Importing image `` for `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:17] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:17] - Search for existing image `insalata-di-ceci.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:17] - Found existing image with ID `12184` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `insalata-di-ceci.png`...
[15:24:17] - Using existing image `insalata-di-ceci.png` for post `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:17] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:17] - Attachment with ID: `12184` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:17] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:17] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:17] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:17] CREATED `Insalata di ceci e tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12457)
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:17] ---
[15:24:17] Record #5
[15:24:17] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:17] Combine all data for post `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine`...
[15:24:17] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine`...
[15:24:17] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine - burro-aromatizzato-alle-sardine`...
[15:24:17] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine`
[15:24:17] CREATING `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine` `Ricetta`
[15:24:18] Associate post `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine` with current import ...
[15:24:18] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:18] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:18] IMAGES:
[15:24:18] - Importing image `` for `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine` ...
[15:24:18] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:18] - Search for existing image `Burro-con-le-sardine-ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:18] - Found existing image with ID `12090` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Burro-con-le-sardine-ppl.png`...
[15:24:18] - Using existing image `Burro-con-le-sardine-ppl.png` for post `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine` ...
[15:24:18] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:18] - Attachment with ID: `12090` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:18] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:18] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:18] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:18] CREATED `Burro aromatizzato alle sardine` `Ricetta` (ID: 12458)
[15:24:18] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:18] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:18] ---
[15:24:18] Record #6
[15:24:18] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:18] Combine all data for post `Flan di piselli`...
[15:24:18] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Flan di piselli`...
[15:24:18] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Flan di piselli - flan-di-piselli`...
[15:24:18] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Flan di piselli`
[15:24:18] CREATING `Flan di piselli` `Ricetta`
[15:24:19] Associate post `Flan di piselli` with current import ...
[15:24:19] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:19] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] IMAGES:
[15:24:19] - Importing image `` for `Flan di piselli` ...
[15:24:19] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:19] - Search for existing image `Flan-res.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:19] - Found existing image with ID `12143` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Flan-res.png`...
[15:24:19] - Using existing image `Flan-res.png` for post `Flan di piselli` ...
[15:24:19] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:19] - Attachment with ID: `12143` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:19] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:19] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:19] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:19] CREATED `Flan di piselli` `Ricetta` (ID: 12459)
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:19] ---
[15:24:19] Record #7
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:19] Combine all data for post `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno`...
[15:24:19] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno`...
[15:24:19] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno - focaccia-tramezzino-crema-al-tonno`...
[15:24:19] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno`
[15:24:19] CREATING `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:19] Associate post `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:19] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:19] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:19] IMAGES:
[15:24:19] - Importing image `` for `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno` ...
[15:24:19] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:19] - Search for existing image `Focaccia-tonno-res.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:19] - Found existing image with ID `12144` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Focaccia-tonno-res.png`...
[15:24:19] - Using existing image `Focaccia-tonno-res.png` for post `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno` ...
[15:24:19] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:19] - Attachment with ID: `12144` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:19] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:19] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:19] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:19] CREATED `Focaccia-tramezzino con crema al tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12460)
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:19] ---
[15:24:19] Record #8
[15:24:19] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:19] Combine all data for post `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto`...
[15:24:19] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto`...
[15:24:19] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto - spaghetti-sardine-finocchietto`...
[15:24:19] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto`
[15:24:19] CREATING `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto` `Ricetta`
[15:24:20] Associate post `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto` with current import ...
[15:24:20] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:20] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] IMAGES:
[15:24:20] - Importing image `` for `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto` ...
[15:24:20] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:20] - Search for existing image `Spaghetti-res.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:20] - Found existing image with ID `12306` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Spaghetti-res.png`...
[15:24:20] - Using existing image `Spaghetti-res.png` for post `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto` ...
[15:24:20] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:20] - Attachment with ID: `12306` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:20] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:20] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:20] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:20] CREATED `Spaghetti con sardine e finocchietto` `Ricetta` (ID: 12461)
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:20] ---
[15:24:20] Record #9
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:20] Combine all data for post `Ruote al limone e salmone`...
[15:24:20] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Ruote al limone e salmone`...
[15:24:20] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Ruote al limone e salmone - ruote-al-limone-salmone`...
[15:24:20] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Ruote al limone e salmone`
[15:24:20] CREATING `Ruote al limone e salmone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:20] Associate post `Ruote al limone e salmone` with current import ...
[15:24:20] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:20] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] IMAGES:
[15:24:20] - Importing image `` for `Ruote al limone e salmone` ...
[15:24:20] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:20] - Search for existing image `pasta-limone-e-salmone-ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:20] - Found existing image with ID `12225` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `pasta-limone-e-salmone-ppl.png`...
[15:24:20] - Using existing image `pasta-limone-e-salmone-ppl.png` for post `Ruote al limone e salmone` ...
[15:24:20] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:20] - Attachment with ID: `12225` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:20] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:20] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:20] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:20] CREATED `Ruote al limone e salmone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12462)
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:20] ---
[15:24:20] Record #10
[15:24:20] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:20] Combine all data for post `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone`...
[15:24:20] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone`...
[15:24:20] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone - spuma-avocado-filetti-salmone-3`...
[15:24:20] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone`
[15:24:20] CREATING `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:20] Associate post `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone` with current import ...
[15:24:20] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:20] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:20] IMAGES:
[15:24:20] - Importing image `` for `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone` ...
[15:24:20] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:20] - Search for existing image `spuma1.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:20] - Found existing image with ID `12308` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `spuma1.jpg`...
[15:24:20] - Using existing image `spuma1.jpg` for post `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone` ...
[15:24:21] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:21] - Attachment with ID: `12308` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:21] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:21] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:21] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:21] CREATED `Spuma di avocado con filetti di salmone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12463)
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:21] ---
[15:24:21] Record #11
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:21] Combine all data for post `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:21] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:21] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio - torta-riso-menta-tonno-sottolio`...
[15:24:21] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio`
[15:24:21] CREATING `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta`
[15:24:21] Associate post `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio` with current import ...
[15:24:21] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:21] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] IMAGES:
[15:24:21] - Importing image `` for `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:21] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:21] - Search for existing image `Timballo_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:21] - Found existing image with ID `12317` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Timballo_ppl.png`...
[15:24:21] - Using existing image `Timballo_ppl.png` for post `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:21] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:21] - Attachment with ID: `12317` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:21] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:21] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:21] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:21] CREATED `Torta di riso, menta e tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta` (ID: 12464)
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:21] ---
[15:24:21] Record #12
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:21] Combine all data for post `Panzanella con tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:21] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Panzanella con tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:21] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Panzanella con tonno in tranci - panzanella-tonno-tranci`...
[15:24:21] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Panzanella con tonno in tranci`
[15:24:21] CREATING `Panzanella con tonno in tranci` `Ricetta`
[15:24:21] Associate post `Panzanella con tonno in tranci` with current import ...
[15:24:21] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:21] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] IMAGES:
[15:24:21] - Importing image `` for `Panzanella con tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:21] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:21] - Search for existing image `Panzanella_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:21] - Found existing image with ID `12219` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Panzanella_ppl.png`...
[15:24:21] - Using existing image `Panzanella_ppl.png` for post `Panzanella con tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:21] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:21] - Attachment with ID: `12219` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:21] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:21] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:21] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:21] CREATED `Panzanella con tonno in tranci` `Ricetta` (ID: 12465)
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:21] ---
[15:24:21] Record #13
[15:24:21] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:21] Combine all data for post `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:21] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:21] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio - 3298-2`...
[15:24:21] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio`
[15:24:21] CREATING `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta`
[15:24:21] Associate post `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio` with current import ...
[15:24:21] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:21] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:21] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] IMAGES:
[15:24:22] - Importing image `` for `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:22] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:22] - Search for existing image `frittata1.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:22] - Found existing image with ID `12147` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `frittata1.jpg`...
[15:24:22] - Using existing image `frittata1.jpg` for post `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:22] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:22] - Attachment with ID: `12147` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:22] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:22] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:22] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:22] CREATED `Frittata con peperoni, fagiolini e tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta` (ID: 12466)
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:22] ---
[15:24:22] Record #14
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:22] Combine all data for post `Pizzette di pane in padella`...
[15:24:22] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pizzette di pane in padella`...
[15:24:22] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pizzette di pane in padella - pizzette-pane`...
[15:24:22] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pizzette di pane in padella`
[15:24:22] CREATING `Pizzette di pane in padella` `Ricetta`
[15:24:22] Associate post `Pizzette di pane in padella` with current import ...
[15:24:22] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:22] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] IMAGES:
[15:24:22] - Importing image `` for `Pizzette di pane in padella` ...
[15:24:22] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:22] - Search for existing image `Pizzette_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:22] - Found existing image with ID `12241` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pizzette_ppl.png`...
[15:24:22] - Using existing image `Pizzette_ppl.png` for post `Pizzette di pane in padella` ...
[15:24:22] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:22] - Attachment with ID: `12241` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:22] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:22] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:22] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:22] CREATED `Pizzette di pane in padella` `Ricetta` (ID: 12467)
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:22] ---
[15:24:22] Record #15
[15:24:22] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:22] Combine all data for post `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:22] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:22] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale - insalata-legumi-verdure-estive`...
[15:24:22] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale`
[15:24:22] CREATING `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:22] Associate post `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale` with current import ...
[15:24:22] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:22] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:22] IMAGES:
[15:24:22] - Importing image `` for `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:23] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:23] - Search for existing image `Insalata-di-legumi_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:23] - Found existing image with ID `12185` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Insalata-di-legumi_ppl.png`...
[15:24:23] - Using existing image `Insalata-di-legumi_ppl.png` for post `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:23] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:23] - Attachment with ID: `12185` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:23] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:23] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:23] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:23] CREATED `Insalata di legumi, verdure estive e tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12468)
[15:24:23] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:23] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:23] ---
[15:24:23] Record #16
[15:24:23] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:23] Combine all data for post `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno`...
[15:24:23] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno`...
[15:24:23] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno - crema-spalmabile-yogurt-tonno`...
[15:24:23] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno`
[15:24:23] CREATING `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:23] Associate post `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:23] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:23] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:23] IMAGES:
[15:24:23] - Importing image `` for `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno` ...
[15:24:23] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:23] - Search for existing image `Crema-spalmabile_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:23] - Found existing image with ID `12115` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Crema-spalmabile_ppl.png`...
[15:24:23] - Using existing image `Crema-spalmabile_ppl.png` for post `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno` ...
[15:24:24] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:24] - Attachment with ID: `12115` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:24] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:24] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:24] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:24] CREATED `Crema spalmabile di yogurt e tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12469)
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:24] ---
[15:24:24] Record #17
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:24] Combine all data for post `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio`...
[15:24:24] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio`...
[15:24:24] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio - peperoncini-ripieni-tonno-sottolio`...
[15:24:24] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio`
[15:24:24] CREATING `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio` `Ricetta`
[15:24:24] Associate post `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio` with current import ...
[15:24:24] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:24] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] IMAGES:
[15:24:24] - Importing image `` for `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio` ...
[15:24:24] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:24] - Search for existing image `Peperoncini-sottolio_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:24] - Found existing image with ID `12230` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Peperoncini-sottolio_ppl.png`...
[15:24:24] - Using existing image `Peperoncini-sottolio_ppl.png` for post `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio` ...
[15:24:24] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:24] - Attachment with ID: `12230` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:24] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:24] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:24] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:24] CREATED `Peperoncini ripieni di tonno sott'olio` `Ricetta` (ID: 12470)
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:24] ---
[15:24:24] Record #18
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:24] Combine all data for post `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:24] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale`...
[15:24:24] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale - zucchine-ripiene-tonno-basso-sale`...
[15:24:24] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale`
[15:24:24] CREATING `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:24] Associate post `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale` with current import ...
[15:24:24] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:24] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:24] IMAGES:
[15:24:24] - Importing image `` for `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:24] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:24] - Search for existing image `Zucchine-ripiene_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:24] - Found existing image with ID `12347` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Zucchine-ripiene_ppl.png`...
[15:24:24] - Using existing image `Zucchine-ripiene_ppl.png` for post `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale` ...
[15:24:24] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:24] - Attachment with ID: `12347` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:24] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:24] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:24] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:24] CREATED `Zucchine ripiene di tonno basso in sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12471)
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:24] ---
[15:24:24] Record #19
[15:24:24] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:24] Combine all data for post `Tiella di verdure e sgombro`...
[15:24:24] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Tiella di verdure e sgombro`...
[15:24:24] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Tiella di verdure e sgombro - tiella-verdure-sgombro`...
[15:24:24] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Tiella di verdure e sgombro`
[15:24:24] CREATING `Tiella di verdure e sgombro` `Ricetta`
[15:24:25] Associate post `Tiella di verdure e sgombro` with current import ...
[15:24:25] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:25] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] IMAGES:
[15:24:25] - Importing image `` for `Tiella di verdure e sgombro` ...
[15:24:25] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:25] - Search for existing image `Tiella_ppl-11.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:25] - Found existing image with ID `12316` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Tiella_ppl-11.png`...
[15:24:25] - Using existing image `Tiella_ppl-11.png` for post `Tiella di verdure e sgombro` ...
[15:24:25] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:25] - Attachment with ID: `12316` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:25] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:25] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:25] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:25] CREATED `Tiella di verdure e sgombro` `Ricetta` (ID: 12472)
[15:24:25] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:25] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:25] ---
[15:24:25] Record #20
[15:24:25] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:25] Combine all data for post `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro`...
[15:24:25] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro`...
[15:24:25] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro - tortino-melanzane-sgombro-pomodoro`...
[15:24:25] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro`
[15:24:25] CREATING `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro` `Ricetta`
[15:24:25] Associate post `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro` with current import ...
[15:24:25] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:25] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:25] IMAGES:
[15:24:25] - Importing image `` for `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro` ...
[15:24:25] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:25] - Search for existing image `Tortino-di-melanzane_ppl-12.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:25] - Found existing image with ID `12325` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Tortino-di-melanzane_ppl-12.png`...
[15:24:25] - Using existing image `Tortino-di-melanzane_ppl-12.png` for post `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro` ...
[15:24:25] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:25] - Attachment with ID: `12325` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:25] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:25] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:25] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:25] CREATED `Tortino di melanzane, sgombro e pomodoro` `Ricetta` (ID: 12473)
[15:24:25] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:25] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:27] ---
[15:24:27] Record #21
[15:24:27] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:27] Combine all data for post `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale`...
[15:24:27] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale`...
[15:24:27] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale - pasta-pesto-tonno-al-naturale`...
[15:24:27] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale`
[15:24:27] CREATING `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:27] Associate post `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale` with current import ...
[15:24:27] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:27] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] IMAGES:
[15:24:27] - Importing image `` for `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale` ...
[15:24:27] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:27] - Search for existing image `Pasta-al-pesto-e-tonno_ppl-10.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:27] - Found existing image with ID `12221` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pasta-al-pesto-e-tonno_ppl-10.png`...
[15:24:27] - Using existing image `Pasta-al-pesto-e-tonno_ppl-10.png` for post `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale` ...
[15:24:27] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:27] - Attachment with ID: `12221` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:27] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:27] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:27] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:27] CREATED `Pasta con pesto e tonno al naturale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12474)
[15:24:27] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:27] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:27] ---
[15:24:27] Record #22
[15:24:27] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:27] Combine all data for post `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale`...
[15:24:27] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale`...
[15:24:27] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale - cipolle-ripiene-tonno-al-naturale`...
[15:24:27] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale`
[15:24:27] CREATING `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:27] Associate post `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale` with current import ...
[15:24:27] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:27] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:27] IMAGES:
[15:24:27] - Importing image `` for `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale` ...
[15:24:27] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:27] - Search for existing image `Cipolle-ripiene_ppl-9.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:27] - Found existing image with ID `12106` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Cipolle-ripiene_ppl-9.png`...
[15:24:27] - Using existing image `Cipolle-ripiene_ppl-9.png` for post `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale` ...
[15:24:28] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:28] - Attachment with ID: `12106` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:28] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:28] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:28] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:28] CREATED `Cipolle ripiene di tonno al naturale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12475)
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:28] ---
[15:24:28] Record #23
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:28] Combine all data for post `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:28] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:28] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci - bruschette-crema-cavolfiore-arrosto-tonno-tranci`...
[15:24:28] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci`
[15:24:28] CREATING `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci` `Ricetta`
[15:24:28] Associate post `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci` with current import ...
[15:24:28] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:28] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:28] IMAGES:
[15:24:28] - Importing image `` for `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:28] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:28] - Search for existing image `Bruschette-con-crema-di-cavoli_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:28] - Found existing image with ID `12085` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Bruschette-con-crema-di-cavoli_ppl.png`...
[15:24:28] - Using existing image `Bruschette-con-crema-di-cavoli_ppl.png` for post `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:28] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:28] - Attachment with ID: `12085` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:28] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:28] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:28] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:28] CREATED `Bruschette con crema di cavolfiore arrosto e tonno in tranci` `Ricetta` (ID: 12476)
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:28] ---
[15:24:28] Record #24
[15:24:28] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:28] Combine all data for post `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:28] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci`...
[15:24:28] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci - tagliatelle-funghi-tonno-tranci`...
[15:24:28] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci`
[15:24:28] CREATING `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci` `Ricetta`
[15:24:29] Associate post `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci` with current import ...
[15:24:29] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:29] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] IMAGES:
[15:24:29] - Importing image `` for `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:29] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:29] - Search for existing image `Tagliatelle-tonno-e-funghi_ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:29] - Found existing image with ID `12311` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Tagliatelle-tonno-e-funghi_ppl.png`...
[15:24:29] - Using existing image `Tagliatelle-tonno-e-funghi_ppl.png` for post `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci` ...
[15:24:29] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:29] - Attachment with ID: `12311` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:29] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:29] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:29] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:29] CREATED `Tagliatelle con funghi e tonno in tranci` `Ricetta` (ID: 12477)
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:29] ---
[15:24:29] Record #25
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:29] Combine all data for post `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione`...
[15:24:29] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione`...
[15:24:29] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione - cartoccio-sgombro-verdure-stagione`...
[15:24:29] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione`
[15:24:29] CREATING `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione` `Ricetta`
[15:24:29] Associate post `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione` with current import ...
[15:24:29] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:29] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:29] IMAGES:
[15:24:29] - Importing image `` for `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione` ...
[15:24:29] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:29] - Search for existing image `cartoccio-di-sgombro_ppl5.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:29] - Found existing image with ID `12096` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `cartoccio-di-sgombro_ppl5.png`...
[15:24:29] - Using existing image `cartoccio-di-sgombro_ppl5.png` for post `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione` ...
[15:24:29] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:29] - Attachment with ID: `12096` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:29] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:29] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:29] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:29] CREATED `Cartoccio di sgombro e verdure di stagione` `Ricetta` (ID: 12478)
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:29] ---
[15:24:29] Record #26
[15:24:29] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:29] Combine all data for post `Hamburger di salmone`...
[15:24:29] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Hamburger di salmone`...
[15:24:29] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Hamburger di salmone - hamburger-di-salmone`...
[15:24:29] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Hamburger di salmone`
[15:24:29] CREATING `Hamburger di salmone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:30] Associate post `Hamburger di salmone` with current import ...
[15:24:30] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:30] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] IMAGES:
[15:24:30] - Importing image `` for `Hamburger di salmone` ...
[15:24:30] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:30] - Search for existing image `hamburger-di-salmone_ppl6.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:30] - Found existing image with ID `12152` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `hamburger-di-salmone_ppl6.png`...
[15:24:30] - Using existing image `hamburger-di-salmone_ppl6.png` for post `Hamburger di salmone` ...
[15:24:30] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:30] - Attachment with ID: `12152` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:30] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:30] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:30] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:30] CREATED `Hamburger di salmone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12479)
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:30] ---
[15:24:30] Record #27
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:30] Combine all data for post `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro`...
[15:24:30] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro`...
[15:24:30] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro - pasta-brodetto-sgombro`...
[15:24:30] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro`
[15:24:30] CREATING `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro` `Ricetta`
[15:24:30] Associate post `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro` with current import ...
[15:24:30] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:30] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:30] IMAGES:
[15:24:30] - Importing image `` for `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro` ...
[15:24:30] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:30] - Search for existing image `Pasta-con-brodetto_ppl8.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:30] - Found existing image with ID `12222` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pasta-con-brodetto_ppl8.png`...
[15:24:30] - Using existing image `Pasta-con-brodetto_ppl8.png` for post `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro` ...
[15:24:30] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:30] - Attachment with ID: `12222` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:30] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:30] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:30] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:30] CREATED `Pasta con brodetto di sgombro` `Ricetta` (ID: 12480)
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:30] ---
[15:24:30] Record #28
[15:24:30] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:30] Combine all data for post `Quiche al salmone`...
[15:24:30] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Quiche al salmone`...
[15:24:30] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Quiche al salmone - quiche-al-salmone`...
[15:24:30] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Quiche al salmone`
[15:24:30] CREATING `Quiche al salmone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:31] Associate post `Quiche al salmone` with current import ...
[15:24:31] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:31] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] IMAGES:
[15:24:31] - Importing image `` for `Quiche al salmone` ...
[15:24:31] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:31] - Search for existing image `Quiche-al-salmone_ppl9.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:31] - Found existing image with ID `12279` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Quiche-al-salmone_ppl9.png`...
[15:24:31] - Using existing image `Quiche-al-salmone_ppl9.png` for post `Quiche al salmone` ...
[15:24:31] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:31] - Attachment with ID: `12279` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:31] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:31] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:31] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:31] CREATED `Quiche al salmone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12481)
[15:24:31] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:31] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:31] ---
[15:24:31] Record #29
[15:24:31] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:31] Combine all data for post `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:31] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:31] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno - insalata-russa-filetti-tonno`...
[15:24:31] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno`
[15:24:31] CREATING `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:31] Associate post `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:31] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:31] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:31] IMAGES:
[15:24:31] - Importing image `` for `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:31] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:31] - Search for existing image `Insalata-russa_PPL.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:31] - Found existing image with ID `12187` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Insalata-russa_PPL.jpg`...
[15:24:31] - Using existing image `Insalata-russa_PPL.jpg` for post `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:32] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:32] - Attachment with ID: `12187` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:32] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:32] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:32] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:32] CREATED `Insalata russa con filetti di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12482)
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:32] ---
[15:24:32] Record #30
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:32] Combine all data for post `Tartine al tonno`...
[15:24:32] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Tartine al tonno`...
[15:24:32] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Tartine al tonno - tartine-al-tonno`...
[15:24:32] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Tartine al tonno`
[15:24:32] CREATING `Tartine al tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:32] Associate post `Tartine al tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:32] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:32] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] IMAGES:
[15:24:32] - Importing image `` for `Tartine al tonno` ...
[15:24:32] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:32] - Search for existing image `Tartine_PPL.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:32] - Found existing image with ID `12314` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Tartine_PPL.jpg`...
[15:24:32] - Using existing image `Tartine_PPL.jpg` for post `Tartine al tonno` ...
[15:24:32] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:32] - Attachment with ID: `12314` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:32] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:32] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:32] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:32] CREATED `Tartine al tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12483)
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:32] ---
[15:24:32] Record #31
[15:24:32] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:32] Combine all data for post `Bavette al tonno e capperi`...
[15:24:32] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Bavette al tonno e capperi`...
[15:24:32] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Bavette al tonno e capperi - bavette-al-tonno-capperi`...
[15:24:32] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Bavette al tonno e capperi`
[15:24:32] CREATING `Bavette al tonno e capperi` `Ricetta`
[15:24:32] Associate post `Bavette al tonno e capperi` with current import ...
[15:24:32] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:32] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:32] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:33] IMAGES:
[15:24:33] - Importing image `` for `Bavette al tonno e capperi` ...
[15:24:33] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:33] - Search for existing image `ppl-Bavette-tonno-e-capperi.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:33] - Found existing image with ID `12256` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl-Bavette-tonno-e-capperi.png`...
[15:24:33] - Using existing image `ppl-Bavette-tonno-e-capperi.png` for post `Bavette al tonno e capperi` ...
[15:24:33] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:33] - Attachment with ID: `12256` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:33] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:33] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:33] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:33] CREATED `Bavette al tonno e capperi` `Ricetta` (ID: 12484)
[15:24:33] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:33] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:33] ---
[15:24:33] Record #32
[15:24:33] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:33] Combine all data for post `Carciofi ripieni di tonno`...
[15:24:33] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Carciofi ripieni di tonno`...
[15:24:33] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Carciofi ripieni di tonno - carciofi-ripieni-tonno`...
[15:24:33] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Carciofi ripieni di tonno`
[15:24:33] CREATING `Carciofi ripieni di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:33] Associate post `Carciofi ripieni di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:33] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:33] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:33] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] IMAGES:
[15:24:34] - Importing image `` for `Carciofi ripieni di tonno` ...
[15:24:34] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:34] - Search for existing image `ppl-Carciofi-Ripieni.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:34] - Found existing image with ID `12257` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl-Carciofi-Ripieni.png`...
[15:24:34] - Using existing image `ppl-Carciofi-Ripieni.png` for post `Carciofi ripieni di tonno` ...
[15:24:34] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:34] - Attachment with ID: `12257` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:34] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:34] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:34] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:34] CREATED `Carciofi ripieni di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12485)
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:34] ---
[15:24:34] Record #33
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:34] Combine all data for post `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino`...
[15:24:34] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino`...
[15:24:34] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino - risotto-al-tonno-rosmarino`...
[15:24:34] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino`
[15:24:34] CREATING `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino` `Ricetta`
[15:24:34] Associate post `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino` with current import ...
[15:24:34] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:34] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] IMAGES:
[15:24:34] - Importing image `` for `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino` ...
[15:24:34] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:34] - Search for existing image `ppl-Risotto-Tonno-Rosmarino.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:34] - Found existing image with ID `12259` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl-Risotto-Tonno-Rosmarino.png`...
[15:24:34] - Using existing image `ppl-Risotto-Tonno-Rosmarino.png` for post `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino` ...
[15:24:34] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:34] - Attachment with ID: `12259` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:34] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:34] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:34] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:34] CREATED `Risotto al tonno e rosmarino` `Ricetta` (ID: 12486)
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:34] ---
[15:24:34] Record #34
[15:24:34] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:34] Combine all data for post `Uova ripiene di tonno`...
[15:24:34] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Uova ripiene di tonno`...
[15:24:34] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Uova ripiene di tonno - uova-ripiene-tonno`...
[15:24:34] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Uova ripiene di tonno`
[15:24:34] CREATING `Uova ripiene di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:34] Associate post `Uova ripiene di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:34] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:34] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:34] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] IMAGES:
[15:24:35] - Importing image `` for `Uova ripiene di tonno` ...
[15:24:35] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:35] - Search for existing image `ppl-1.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:35] - Found existing image with ID `12246` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl-1.png`...
[15:24:35] - Using existing image `ppl-1.png` for post `Uova ripiene di tonno` ...
[15:24:35] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:35] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:35] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:35] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:35] CREATED `Uova ripiene di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12487)
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:35] ---
[15:24:35] Record #35
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:35] Combine all data for post `Crostini con tonno e catalogna`...
[15:24:35] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Crostini con tonno e catalogna`...
[15:24:35] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Crostini con tonno e catalogna - crostini-tonno-catalogna`...
[15:24:35] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Crostini con tonno e catalogna`
[15:24:35] CREATING `Crostini con tonno e catalogna` `Ricetta`
[15:24:35] Associate post `Crostini con tonno e catalogna` with current import ...
[15:24:35] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:35] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] IMAGES:
[15:24:35] - Importing image `` for `Crostini con tonno e catalogna` ...
[15:24:35] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:35] - Search for existing image `Crostini-tonno_ppl-2.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:35] - Found existing image with ID `12116` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Crostini-tonno_ppl-2.png`...
[15:24:35] - Using existing image `Crostini-tonno_ppl-2.png` for post `Crostini con tonno e catalogna` ...
[15:24:35] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:35] - Attachment with ID: `12116` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:35] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:35] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:35] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:35] CREATED `Crostini con tonno e catalogna` `Ricetta` (ID: 12488)
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:35] ---
[15:24:35] Record #36
[15:24:35] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:35] Combine all data for post `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno`...
[15:24:35] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno`...
[15:24:35] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno - insalata-spinaci-novelli-melograno-tonno`...
[15:24:35] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno`
[15:24:35] CREATING `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:35] Associate post `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:35] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:35] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:35] IMAGES:
[15:24:35] - Importing image `` for `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno` ...
[15:24:35] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:35] - Search for existing image `Insalata-spinaci_ppl-4.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:36] - Found existing image with ID `12188` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Insalata-spinaci_ppl-4.png`...
[15:24:36] - Using existing image `Insalata-spinaci_ppl-4.png` for post `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno` ...
[15:24:36] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:36] - Attachment with ID: `12188` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:36] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:36] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:36] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:36] CREATED `Insalata di spinaci novelli, melograno e tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12489)
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:36] ---
[15:24:36] Record #37
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:36] Combine all data for post `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon`...
[15:24:36] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon`...
[15:24:36] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon - fagottini-pasta-sfoglia-tonno-champignon`...
[15:24:36] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon`
[15:24:36] CREATING `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon` `Ricetta`
[15:24:36] Associate post `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon` with current import ...
[15:24:36] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:36] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:36] IMAGES:
[15:24:36] - Importing image `` for `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon` ...
[15:24:36] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:36] - Search for existing image `Fagottini-tonno_ppl-3.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:36] - Found existing image with ID `12130` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Fagottini-tonno_ppl-3.png`...
[15:24:36] - Using existing image `Fagottini-tonno_ppl-3.png` for post `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon` ...
[15:24:36] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:36] - Attachment with ID: `12130` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:36] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:36] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:36] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:36] CREATED `Fagottini di pasta sfoglia con tonno e champignon` `Ricetta` (ID: 12490)
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:36] ---
[15:24:36] Record #38
[15:24:36] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:36] Combine all data for post `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno`...
[15:24:36] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno`...
[15:24:36] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno - pasta-mela-cipolla-tonno`...
[15:24:36] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno`
[15:24:36] CREATING `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:37] Associate post `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:37] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:37] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] IMAGES:
[15:24:37] - Importing image `` for `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno` ...
[15:24:37] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:37] - Search for existing image `Pasta-di-mele_ppl-5.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:37] - Found existing image with ID `12224` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pasta-di-mele_ppl-5.png`...
[15:24:37] - Using existing image `Pasta-di-mele_ppl-5.png` for post `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno` ...
[15:24:37] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:37] - Attachment with ID: `12224` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:37] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:37] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:37] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:37] CREATED `Pasta con mela, cipolla e tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12491)
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:37] ---
[15:24:37] Record #39
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:37] Combine all data for post `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno`...
[15:24:37] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno`...
[15:24:37] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno - cestini-patate-lesse-ripieni-insalata-tonno`...
[15:24:37] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno`
[15:24:37] CREATING `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:37] Associate post `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:37] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:37] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:37] IMAGES:
[15:24:37] - Importing image `` for `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno` ...
[15:24:37] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:37] - Search for existing image `Cestini-di-patate-lesse_ppl-2.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:37] - Found existing image with ID `12102` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Cestini-di-patate-lesse_ppl-2.png`...
[15:24:37] - Using existing image `Cestini-di-patate-lesse_ppl-2.png` for post `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno` ...
[15:24:37] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:37] - Attachment with ID: `12102` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:37] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:37] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:37] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:37] CREATED `Cestini di patate lesse ripieni con insalata di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12492)
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:37] ---
[15:24:37] Record #40
[15:24:37] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:37] Combine all data for post `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone`...
[15:24:37] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone`...
[15:24:37] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone - insalata-burrata-broccoli-tonno-al-profumo-limone`...
[15:24:37] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone`
[15:24:37] CREATING `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:38] Associate post `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone` with current import ...
[15:24:38] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:38] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:38] IMAGES:
[15:24:38] - Importing image `` for `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone` ...
[15:24:38] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:38] - Search for existing image `Insalata-con-burrata_ppl-7.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:38] - Found existing image with ID `12183` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Insalata-con-burrata_ppl-7.png`...
[15:24:38] - Using existing image `Insalata-con-burrata_ppl-7.png` for post `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone` ...
[15:24:38] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:38] - Attachment with ID: `12183` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:38] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:38] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:38] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:38] CREATED `Insalata con burrata, broccoli e tonno al profumo di limone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12493)
[15:24:38] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:38] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:39] ---
[15:24:39] Record #41
[15:24:39] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:39] Combine all data for post `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:39] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio`...
[15:24:39] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio - involtini-verza-ripieni-tonno-sottolio`...
[15:24:39] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio`
[15:24:39] CREATING `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta`
[15:24:40] Associate post `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio` with current import ...
[15:24:40] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:40] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] IMAGES:
[15:24:40] - Importing image `` for `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:40] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:40] - Search for existing image `Involtina-di-verza_ppl-8.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:40] - Found existing image with ID `12190` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Involtina-di-verza_ppl-8.png`...
[15:24:40] - Using existing image `Involtina-di-verza_ppl-8.png` for post `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio` ...
[15:24:40] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:40] - Attachment with ID: `12190` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:40] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:40] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:40] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:40] CREATED `Involtini di verza ripieni di tonno sott’olio` `Ricetta` (ID: 12494)
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:40] ---
[15:24:40] Record #42
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:40] Combine all data for post `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:40] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:40] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno - pasta-zucca-olive-nere-filetti-tonno`...
[15:24:40] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno`
[15:24:40] CREATING `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:40] Associate post `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:40] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:40] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:40] IMAGES:
[15:24:40] - Importing image `` for `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:40] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:40] - Search for existing image `Pasta-con-zucca_ppl-10.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:40] - Found existing image with ID `12223` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pasta-con-zucca_ppl-10.png`...
[15:24:40] - Using existing image `Pasta-con-zucca_ppl-10.png` for post `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:40] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:40] - Attachment with ID: `12223` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:40] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:40] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:40] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:40] CREATED `Pasta con zucca, olive nere e filetti di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12495)
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:40] ---
[15:24:40] Record #43
[15:24:40] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:40] Combine all data for post `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale`...
[15:24:40] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale`...
[15:24:40] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale - zuppa-fagioli-borlotti-cipollotto-tonno-basso-sale`...
[15:24:40] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale`
[15:24:40] CREATING `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:41] Associate post `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale` with current import ...
[15:24:41] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:41] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] IMAGES:
[15:24:41] - Importing image `` for `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale` ...
[15:24:41] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:41] - Search for existing image `FB-11.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:41] - Found existing image with ID `12136` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `FB-11.png`...
[15:24:41] - Using existing image `FB-11.png` for post `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale` ...
[15:24:41] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:41] - Attachment with ID: `12136` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:41] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:41] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:41] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:41] CREATED `Zuppa di fagioli borlotti, cipollotto e Tonno Basso in Sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12496)
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:41] ---
[15:24:41] Record #44
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:41] Combine all data for post `Lasagne al salmone`...
[15:24:41] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Lasagne al salmone`...
[15:24:41] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Lasagne al salmone - lasagne-al-salmone`...
[15:24:41] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Lasagne al salmone`
[15:24:41] CREATING `Lasagne al salmone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:41] Associate post `Lasagne al salmone` with current import ...
[15:24:41] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:41] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] IMAGES:
[15:24:41] - Importing image `` for `Lasagne al salmone` ...
[15:24:41] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:41] - Search for existing image `ppl-4.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:41] - WARNING: Image ppl-4.png not found in media gallery.
[15:24:41] - Downloading image from ``
[15:24:41] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:41] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:41] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:41] CREATED `Lasagne al salmone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12497)
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:41] ---
[15:24:41] Record #45
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:41] Combine all data for post `Sgombro e patate al limone`...
[15:24:41] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Sgombro e patate al limone`...
[15:24:41] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Sgombro e patate al limone - sgombro-patate-al-limone`...
[15:24:41] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Sgombro e patate al limone`
[15:24:41] CREATING `Sgombro e patate al limone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:41] Associate post `Sgombro e patate al limone` with current import ...
[15:24:41] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:41] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:41] IMAGES:
[15:24:41] - Importing image `` for `Sgombro e patate al limone` ...
[15:24:41] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:41] - Search for existing image `ppl-3.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:41] - Found existing image with ID `12249` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl-3.png`...
[15:24:41] - Using existing image `ppl-3.png` for post `Sgombro e patate al limone` ...
[15:24:41] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:41] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:41] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:41] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:41] CREATED `Sgombro e patate al limone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12498)
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:41] ---
[15:24:41] Record #46
[15:24:41] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:41] Combine all data for post `Casseruola invernale`...
[15:24:41] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Casseruola invernale`...
[15:24:41] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Casseruola invernale - casseruola-invernale`...
[15:24:41] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Casseruola invernale`
[15:24:41] CREATING `Casseruola invernale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:42] Associate post `Casseruola invernale` with current import ...
[15:24:42] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:42] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] IMAGES:
[15:24:42] - Importing image `` for `Casseruola invernale` ...
[15:24:42] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:42] - Search for existing image `ppl.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:42] - Found existing image with ID `12260` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `ppl.png`...
[15:24:42] - Using existing image `ppl.png` for post `Casseruola invernale` ...
[15:24:42] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:42] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:42] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:42] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:42] CREATED `Casseruola invernale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12499)
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:42] ---
[15:24:42] Record #47
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:42] Combine all data for post `Hummus di ceci e tonno`...
[15:24:42] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Hummus di ceci e tonno`...
[15:24:42] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Hummus di ceci e tonno - hummus-ceci-tonno`...
[15:24:42] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Hummus di ceci e tonno`
[15:24:42] CREATING `Hummus di ceci e tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:42] Associate post `Hummus di ceci e tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:42] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:42] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:42] IMAGES:
[15:24:42] - Importing image `` for `Hummus di ceci e tonno` ...
[15:24:42] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:42] - Search for existing image `070518_NOST_ImmSito_hummusceci.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:42] - Found existing image with ID `12058` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `070518_NOST_ImmSito_hummusceci.png`...
[15:24:42] - Using existing image `070518_NOST_ImmSito_hummusceci.png` for post `Hummus di ceci e tonno` ...
[15:24:42] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:42] - Attachment with ID: `12058` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:42] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:42] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:42] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:42] CREATED `Hummus di ceci e tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12500)
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:42] ---
[15:24:42] Record #48
[15:24:42] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:42] Combine all data for post `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella`...
[15:24:42] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella`...
[15:24:42] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella - pasta-al-forno-tonno-radicchio-besciamella`...
[15:24:42] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella`
[15:24:42] CREATING `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella` `Ricetta`
[15:24:43] Associate post `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella` with current import ...
[15:24:43] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:43] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:43] IMAGES:
[15:24:43] - Importing image `` for `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella` ...
[15:24:43] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:43] - Search for existing image `070518_NOST_ImmSito_pastaforno.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:43] - Found existing image with ID `12059` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `070518_NOST_ImmSito_pastaforno.png`...
[15:24:43] - Using existing image `070518_NOST_ImmSito_pastaforno.png` for post `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella` ...
[15:24:43] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:43] - Attachment with ID: `12059` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:43] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:43] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:43] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:43] CREATED `Pasta al forno con tonno, radicchio e besciamella` `Ricetta` (ID: 12501)
[15:24:43] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:43] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:43] ---
[15:24:43] Record #49
[15:24:43] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:43] Combine all data for post `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:43] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno`...
[15:24:43] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno - carciofi-alla-romana-filetti-tonno`...
[15:24:43] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno`
[15:24:43] CREATING `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:43] Associate post `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:43] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:43] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:43] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] IMAGES:
[15:24:44] - Importing image `` for `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:44] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:44] - Search for existing image `Carciofi-alla-romana-Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:44] - Found existing image with ID `12092` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Carciofi-alla-romana-Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:44] - Using existing image `Carciofi-alla-romana-Nostromo.png` for post `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno` ...
[15:24:44] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:44] - Attachment with ID: `12092` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:44] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:44] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:44] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:44] CREATED `Carciofi alla romana con filetti di tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12502)
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:44] ---
[15:24:44] Record #50
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:44] Combine all data for post `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale`...
[15:24:44] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale`...
[15:24:44] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale - asparagi-al-vapore-briciole-feta-tonno-basso-sale`...
[15:24:44] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale`
[15:24:44] CREATING `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:44] Associate post `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale` with current import ...
[15:24:44] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:44] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:44] IMAGES:
[15:24:44] - Importing image `` for `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale` ...
[15:24:44] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:44] - Search for existing image `Asparagi_Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:44] - Found existing image with ID `12072` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Asparagi_Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:44] - Using existing image `Asparagi_Nostromo.png` for post `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale` ...
[15:24:44] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:44] - Attachment with ID: `12072` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:44] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:44] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:44] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:44] CREATED `Asparagi al vapore, briciole di feta e Tonno Basso in Sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12503)
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:44] ---
[15:24:44] Record #51
[15:24:44] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:44] Combine all data for post `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro`...
[15:24:44] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro`...
[15:24:44] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro - cocotte-di-tortillas-e-filetti-di-sgombro`...
[15:24:44] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro`
[15:24:44] CREATING `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro` `Ricetta`
[15:24:45] Associate post `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro` with current import ...
[15:24:45] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:45] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] IMAGES:
[15:24:45] - Importing image `` for `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro` ...
[15:24:45] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:45] - Search for existing image `pic-nic.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:45] - WARNING: Image pic-nic.png not found in media gallery.
[15:24:45] - Downloading image from ``
[15:24:45] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:45] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:45] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:45] CREATED `Cocotte di tortillas e filetti di sgombro` `Ricetta` (ID: 12504)
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:45] ---
[15:24:45] Record #52
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:45] Combine all data for post `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone`...
[15:24:45] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone`...
[15:24:45] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone - spaghetti-sgombro-alloro-limone`...
[15:24:45] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone`
[15:24:45] CREATING `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:45] Associate post `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone` with current import ...
[15:24:45] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:45] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] IMAGES:
[15:24:45] - Importing image `` for `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone` ...
[15:24:45] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:45] - Search for existing image `spaghetti-con-sgombro-NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:45] - Found existing image with ID `12304` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `spaghetti-con-sgombro-NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:45] - Using existing image `spaghetti-con-sgombro-NOSTROMO.png` for post `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone` ...
[15:24:45] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:45] - Attachment with ID: `12304` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:45] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:45] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:45] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:45] CREATED `Spaghetti con sgombro, alloro e limone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12505)
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:45] ---
[15:24:45] Record #53
[15:24:45] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:45] Combine all data for post `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico`...
[15:24:45] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico`...
[15:24:45] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico - insalata-di-radicchio-tonno-basso-sale-balsamico`...
[15:24:45] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico`
[15:24:45] CREATING `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico` `Ricetta`
[15:24:45] Associate post `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico` with current import ...
[15:24:45] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:45] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:45] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] IMAGES:
[15:24:46] - Importing image `` for `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico` ...
[15:24:46] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:46] - Search for existing image `Insalata-di-radicchio-Nostormo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:46] - Found existing image with ID `12186` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Insalata-di-radicchio-Nostormo.png`...
[15:24:46] - Using existing image `Insalata-di-radicchio-Nostormo.png` for post `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico` ...
[15:24:46] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:46] - Attachment with ID: `12186` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:46] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:46] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:46] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:46] CREATED `Insalata di radicchio, Tonno Basso in Sale e balsamico` `Ricetta` (ID: 12506)
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:46] ---
[15:24:46] Record #54
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:46] Combine all data for post `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere`...
[15:24:46] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere`...
[15:24:46] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere - torta-salata-tonno-cipolla-olive`...
[15:24:46] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere`
[15:24:46] CREATING `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere` `Ricetta`
[15:24:46] Associate post `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere` with current import ...
[15:24:46] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:46] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] IMAGES:
[15:24:46] - Importing image `` for `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere` ...
[15:24:46] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:46] - Search for existing image `Torta-salata-1.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:46] - Found existing image with ID `12323` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Torta-salata-1.png`...
[15:24:46] - Using existing image `Torta-salata-1.png` for post `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere` ...
[15:24:46] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:46] - Attachment with ID: `12323` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:46] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:46] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:46] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:46] CREATED `Torta salata con tonno, cipolla rossa e olive nere` `Ricetta` (ID: 12507)
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:46] ---
[15:24:46] Record #55
[15:24:46] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:46] Combine all data for post `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone`...
[15:24:46] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone`...
[15:24:46] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone - polpettone-di-tonno-nostromo-zero`...
[15:24:46] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone`
[15:24:46] CREATING `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:46] Associate post `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone` with current import ...
[15:24:46] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:46] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:46] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] IMAGES:
[15:24:47] - Importing image `` for `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone` ...
[15:24:47] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:47] - Search for existing image `Polpettone-di-tonno-NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:47] - Found existing image with ID `12244` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Polpettone-di-tonno-NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:47] - Using existing image `Polpettone-di-tonno-NOSTROMO.png` for post `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone` ...
[15:24:47] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:47] - Attachment with ID: `12244` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:47] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:47] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:47] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:47] CREATED `Polpettone di Tonno Nostromo Zero e limone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12508)
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:47] ---
[15:24:47] Record #56
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:47] Combine all data for post `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:47] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:47] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero - orecchiette-farro-broccoli-mare-tonno-nostromo-zero`...
[15:24:47] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero`
[15:24:47] CREATING `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta`
[15:24:47] Associate post `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero` with current import ...
[15:24:47] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:47] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] IMAGES:
[15:24:47] - Importing image `` for `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:47] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:47] - Search for existing image `Orecchiette_Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:47] - Found existing image with ID `12214` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Orecchiette_Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:47] - Using existing image `Orecchiette_Nostromo.png` for post `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:47] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:47] - Attachment with ID: `12214` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:47] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:47] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:47] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:47] CREATED `Orecchiette di farro “broccoli e mare” con Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta` (ID: 12509)
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:47] ---
[15:24:47] Record #57
[15:24:47] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:47] Combine all data for post `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine`...
[15:24:47] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine`...
[15:24:47] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine - cestini-rustici-salmone-e-zucchine`...
[15:24:47] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine`
[15:24:47] CREATING `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine` `Ricetta`
[15:24:47] Associate post `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine` with current import ...
[15:24:47] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:47] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:47] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] IMAGES:
[15:24:48] - Importing image `` for `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine` ...
[15:24:48] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:48] - Search for existing image `salmone-e-zucchine-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:48] - Found existing image with ID `12293` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `salmone-e-zucchine-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:48] - Using existing image `salmone-e-zucchine-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine` ...
[15:24:48] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:48] - Attachment with ID: `12293` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:48] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:48] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:48] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:48] CREATED `Cestini rustici con salmone e zucchine` `Ricetta` (ID: 12510)
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:48] ---
[15:24:48] Record #58
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:48] Combine all data for post `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:48] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:48] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero - spaghetti-con-zucchine-capperi-tonno-nostromo-zero`...
[15:24:48] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero`
[15:24:48] CREATING `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta`
[15:24:48] Associate post `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero` with current import ...
[15:24:48] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:48] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] IMAGES:
[15:24:48] - Importing image `` for `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:48] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:48] - Search for existing image `Spaghetti-con-zucchine-Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:48] - Found existing image with ID `12305` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Spaghetti-con-zucchine-Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:48] - Using existing image `Spaghetti-con-zucchine-Nostromo.png` for post `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:48] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:48] - Attachment with ID: `12305` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:48] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:48] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:48] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:48] CREATED `Spaghetti con zucchine, capperi e Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta` (ID: 12511)
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:48] ---
[15:24:48] Record #59
[15:24:48] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:48] Combine all data for post `Panzanella di verdure con tonno`...
[15:24:48] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Panzanella di verdure con tonno`...
[15:24:48] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Panzanella di verdure con tonno - panzanella-verdure-tonno`...
[15:24:48] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Panzanella di verdure con tonno`
[15:24:48] CREATING `Panzanella di verdure con tonno` `Ricetta`
[15:24:48] Associate post `Panzanella di verdure con tonno` with current import ...
[15:24:48] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:48] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:48] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] IMAGES:
[15:24:49] - Importing image `` for `Panzanella di verdure con tonno` ...
[15:24:49] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:49] - Search for existing image `Panzanella-Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:49] - Found existing image with ID `12220` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Panzanella-Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:49] - Using existing image `Panzanella-Nostromo.png` for post `Panzanella di verdure con tonno` ...
[15:24:49] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:49] - Attachment with ID: `12220` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:49] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:49] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:49] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:49] CREATED `Panzanella di verdure con tonno` `Ricetta` (ID: 12512)
[15:24:49] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:49] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:49] ---
[15:24:49] Record #60
[15:24:49] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:49] Combine all data for post `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone`...
[15:24:49] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone`...
[15:24:49] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone - burger-tonno-e-cannellini-limone`...
[15:24:49] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone`
[15:24:49] CREATING `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone` `Ricetta`
[15:24:49] Associate post `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone` with current import ...
[15:24:49] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:49] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:49] IMAGES:
[15:24:49] - Importing image `` for `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone` ...
[15:24:49] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:49] - Search for existing image `Burger-tonno-NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:49] - Found existing image with ID `12089` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Burger-tonno-NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:49] - Using existing image `Burger-tonno-NOSTROMO.png` for post `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone` ...
[15:24:49] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:49] - Attachment with ID: `12089` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:49] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:49] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:49] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:49] CREATED `Burger tonno e cannellini al profumo di limone` `Ricetta` (ID: 12513)
[15:24:49] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:49] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:51] ---
[15:24:51] Record #61
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:51] Combine all data for post `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:51] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero`...
[15:24:51] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero - frittata-di-pasta-menta-nostromo-zero`...
[15:24:51] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero`
[15:24:51] CREATING `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta`
[15:24:51] Associate post `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero` with current import ...
[15:24:51] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:51] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] IMAGES:
[15:24:51] - Importing image `` for `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:51] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:51] - Search for existing image `Frittata-di-pasta_Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:51] - Found existing image with ID `12146` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Frittata-di-pasta_Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:51] - Using existing image `Frittata-di-pasta_Nostromo.png` for post `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero` ...
[15:24:51] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:51] - Attachment with ID: `12146` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:51] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:51] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:51] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:51] CREATED `Frittata di Pasta con menta e Tonno Nostromo Zero` `Ricetta` (ID: 12514)
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:51] ---
[15:24:51] Record #62
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:51] Combine all data for post `Linguine vista mare`...
[15:24:51] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Linguine vista mare`...
[15:24:51] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Linguine vista mare - linguine-vista-mare`...
[15:24:51] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Linguine vista mare`
[15:24:51] CREATING `Linguine vista mare` `Ricetta`
[15:24:51] Associate post `Linguine vista mare` with current import ...
[15:24:51] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:51] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:51] IMAGES:
[15:24:51] - Importing image `` for `Linguine vista mare` ...
[15:24:51] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:51] - Search for existing image `Linguine_Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:51] - Found existing image with ID `12198` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Linguine_Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:51] - Using existing image `Linguine_Nostromo.png` for post `Linguine vista mare` ...
[15:24:51] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:51] - Attachment with ID: `12198` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:51] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:51] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:51] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:51] CREATED `Linguine vista mare` `Ricetta` (ID: 12515)
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:51] ---
[15:24:51] Record #63
[15:24:51] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:51] Combine all data for post `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano`...
[15:24:51] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano`...
[15:24:51] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano - cous-cous-tonno-allolio-parmigiano`...
[15:24:51] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano`
[15:24:51] CREATING `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano` `Ricetta`
[15:24:52] Associate post `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano` with current import ...
[15:24:52] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:52] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] IMAGES:
[15:24:52] - Importing image `` for `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano` ...
[15:24:52] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:52] - Search for existing image `CousCous-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:52] - Found existing image with ID `12111` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `CousCous-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:52] - Using existing image `CousCous-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano` ...
[15:24:52] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:52] - Attachment with ID: `12111` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:52] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:52] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:52] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:52] CREATED `Insalata di cous cous, tonno all’olio d’oliva e parmigiano` `Ricetta` (ID: 12516)
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:52] ---
[15:24:52] Record #64
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:52] Combine all data for post `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso`...
[15:24:52] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso`...
[15:24:52] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso - polpette-di-sgombro-gazpacho-andaluso`...
[15:24:52] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso`
[15:24:52] CREATING `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso` `Ricetta`
[15:24:52] Associate post `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso` with current import ...
[15:24:52] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:52] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:52] IMAGES:
[15:24:52] - Importing image `` for `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso` ...
[15:24:52] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:52] - Search for existing image `Polpette-di-sgombro-Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:52] - Found existing image with ID `12243` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Polpette-di-sgombro-Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:52] - Using existing image `Polpette-di-sgombro-Nostromo.png` for post `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso` ...
[15:24:52] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:52] - Attachment with ID: `12243` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:52] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:52] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:52] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:52] CREATED `Polpette di sgombro con gazpacho andaluso` `Ricetta` (ID: 12517)
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:52] ---
[15:24:52] Record #65
[15:24:52] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:52] Combine all data for post `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt`...
[15:24:52] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt`...
[15:24:52] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt - patate-ripiene-tonno-pomodori-secchi-yogurt`...
[15:24:52] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt`
[15:24:52] CREATING `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt` `Ricetta`
[15:24:53] Associate post `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt` with current import ...
[15:24:53] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:53] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] IMAGES:
[15:24:53] - Importing image `` for `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt` ...
[15:24:53] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:53] - Search for existing image `Patate-ripiene_NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:53] - Found existing image with ID `12227` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Patate-ripiene_NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:53] - Using existing image `Patate-ripiene_NOSTROMO.png` for post `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt` ...
[15:24:53] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:53] - Attachment with ID: `12227` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:53] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:53] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:53] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:53] CREATED `Patate ripiene con tonno, pomodori secchi e yogurt` `Ricetta` (ID: 12518)
[15:24:53] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:53] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:53] ---
[15:24:53] Record #66
[15:24:53] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:53] Combine all data for post `Tapas di salmone e avocado`...
[15:24:53] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Tapas di salmone e avocado`...
[15:24:53] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Tapas di salmone e avocado - tapas-di-salmone-e-avocado`...
[15:24:53] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Tapas di salmone e avocado`
[15:24:53] CREATING `Tapas di salmone e avocado` `Ricetta`
[15:24:53] Associate post `Tapas di salmone e avocado` with current import ...
[15:24:53] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:53] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:53] IMAGES:
[15:24:53] - Importing image `` for `Tapas di salmone e avocado` ...
[15:24:53] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:53] - Search for existing image `Tapas-di-salmone-e-avocado-NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:53] - Found existing image with ID `12313` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Tapas-di-salmone-e-avocado-NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:53] - Using existing image `Tapas-di-salmone-e-avocado-NOSTROMO.png` for post `Tapas di salmone e avocado` ...
[15:24:54] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:54] - Attachment with ID: `12313` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:54] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:54] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:54] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:54] CREATED `Tapas di salmone e avocado` `Ricetta` (ID: 12519)
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:54] ---
[15:24:54] Record #67
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:54] Combine all data for post `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine`...
[15:24:54] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine`...
[15:24:54] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine - bruschette-hummus-bietole-sardine`...
[15:24:54] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine`
[15:24:54] CREATING `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine` `Ricetta`
[15:24:54] Associate post `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine` with current import ...
[15:24:54] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:54] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] IMAGES:
[15:24:54] - Importing image `` for `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine` ...
[15:24:54] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:54] - Search for existing image `Bruschette-NOSTORMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:54] - Found existing image with ID `12086` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Bruschette-NOSTORMO.png`...
[15:24:54] - Using existing image `Bruschette-NOSTORMO.png` for post `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine` ...
[15:24:54] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:54] - Attachment with ID: `12086` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:54] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:54] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:54] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:54] CREATED `Bruschette con hummus, bietole e sardine` `Ricetta` (ID: 12520)
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:54] ---
[15:24:54] Record #68
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:54] Combine all data for post `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola`...
[15:24:54] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola`...
[15:24:54] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola - bruschetta-con-tonno-nostromo-linea`...
[15:24:54] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola`
[15:24:54] CREATING `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola` `Ricetta`
[15:24:54] Associate post `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola` with current import ...
[15:24:54] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:54] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:54] IMAGES:
[15:24:54] - Importing image `` for `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola` ...
[15:24:54] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:54] - Search for existing image `Bruschetta_Nostromo.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:54] - Found existing image with ID `12084` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Bruschetta_Nostromo.png`...
[15:24:54] - Using existing image `Bruschetta_Nostromo.png` for post `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola` ...
[15:24:54] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:54] - Attachment with ID: `12084` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:54] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:54] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:54] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:54] CREATED `Bruschetta con Tonno Nostromo Linea, porri e rucola` `Ricetta` (ID: 12521)
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:54] ---
[15:24:54] Record #69
[15:24:54] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:54] Combine all data for post `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale`...
[15:24:54] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale`...
[15:24:54] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale - pasta-pesto-cavolo-nero-tonno-basso-sale`...
[15:24:54] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale`
[15:24:54] CREATING `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:55] Associate post `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale` with current import ...
[15:24:55] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:55] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] IMAGES:
[15:24:55] - Importing image `` for `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale` ...
[15:24:55] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:55] - Search for existing image `cavolo-nero-NOSTROMO.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:55] - Found existing image with ID `12098` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `cavolo-nero-NOSTROMO.png`...
[15:24:55] - Using existing image `cavolo-nero-NOSTROMO.png` for post `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale` ...
[15:24:55] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:55] - Attachment with ID: `12098` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:55] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:55] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:55] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:55] CREATED `Pasta con pesto di cavolo nero e Tonno Basso in sale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12522)
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:55] ---
[15:24:55] Record #70
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:55] Combine all data for post `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto`...
[15:24:55] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto`...
[15:24:55] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto - cucina-bimbi-prepariamo-pesce-finto`...
[15:24:55] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto`
[15:24:55] CREATING `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto` `Ricetta`
[15:24:55] Associate post `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto` with current import ...
[15:24:55] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:55] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:55] IMAGES:
[15:24:55] - Importing image `` for `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto` ...
[15:24:55] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:55] - Search for existing image `pesce-finto-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:55] - Found existing image with ID `12235` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `pesce-finto-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:55] - Using existing image `pesce-finto-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto` ...
[15:24:55] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:55] - Attachment with ID: `12235` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:55] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:55] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:55] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:55] CREATED `In cucina con i bimbi: prepariamo il pesce finto` `Ricetta` (ID: 12523)
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:55] ---
[15:24:55] Record #71
[15:24:55] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:55] Combine all data for post `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine`...
[15:24:55] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine`...
[15:24:55] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine - spaghetti-crema-di-zucca-zucchine-sardine`...
[15:24:55] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine`
[15:24:55] CREATING `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine` `Ricetta`
[15:24:56] Associate post `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine` with current import ...
[15:24:56] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:56] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] IMAGES:
[15:24:56] - Importing image `` for `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine` ...
[15:24:56] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:56] - Search for existing image `crema-di-zucca.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:56] - Found existing image with ID `12114` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `crema-di-zucca.jpg`...
[15:24:56] - Using existing image `crema-di-zucca.jpg` for post `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine` ...
[15:24:56] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:56] - Attachment with ID: `12114` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:56] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:56] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:56] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:56] CREATED `Spaghetti con crema di zucca, chips di zucchine e sardine` `Ricetta` (ID: 12524)
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:56] ---
[15:24:56] Record #72
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:56] Combine all data for post `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca`...
[15:24:56] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca`...
[15:24:56] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca - pizza-di-ceci-sardine-fiori-zucca`...
[15:24:56] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca`
[15:24:56] CREATING `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca` `Ricetta`
[15:24:56] Associate post `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca` with current import ...
[15:24:56] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:56] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] IMAGES:
[15:24:56] - Importing image `` for `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca` ...
[15:24:56] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:56] - Search for existing image `Pizza-di-ceci-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:56] - Found existing image with ID `12240` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Pizza-di-ceci-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:56] - Using existing image `Pizza-di-ceci-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca` ...
[15:24:56] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:56] - Attachment with ID: `12240` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:56] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:56] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:56] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:56] CREATED `Pizza di ceci con sardine e fiori di zucca` `Ricetta` (ID: 12525)
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:56] ---
[15:24:56] Record #73
[15:24:56] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:56] Combine all data for post `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti `...
[15:24:56] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti `...
[15:24:56] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti  - avocado-toast-avocado-sardine`...
[15:24:56] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti `
[15:24:56] CREATING `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti ` `Ricetta`
[15:24:56] Associate post `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti ` with current import ...
[15:24:56] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:56] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:56] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] IMAGES:
[15:24:57] - Importing image `` for `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti ` ...
[15:24:57] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:57] - Search for existing image `Avocado-Toast.png` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:57] - Found existing image with ID `12074` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Avocado-Toast.png`...
[15:24:57] - Using existing image `Avocado-Toast.png` for post `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti ` ...
[15:24:57] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:57] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:57] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:57] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:57] CREATED `Avocado toast di pane proteico con sardine LeMini piccanti ` `Ricetta` (ID: 12526)
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:57] ---
[15:24:57] Record #74
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:57] Combine all data for post `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati`...
[15:24:57] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati`...
[15:24:57] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati - crema-di-asparagi-sardine-ceci-speziati`...
[15:24:57] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati`
[15:24:57] CREATING `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati` `Ricetta`
[15:24:57] Associate post `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati` with current import ...
[15:24:57] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:57] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] IMAGES:
[15:24:57] - Importing image `` for `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati` ...
[15:24:57] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:57] - Search for existing image `Crema-di-asparagi-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:57] - Found existing image with ID `12113` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Crema-di-asparagi-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:57] - Using existing image `Crema-di-asparagi-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati` ...
[15:24:57] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:57] - Attachment with ID: `12113` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:57] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:57] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:57] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:57] CREATED `Crema di asparagi, sardine e ceci speziati` `Ricetta` (ID: 12527)
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:57] ---
[15:24:57] Record #75
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:57] Combine all data for post `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce`...
[15:24:57] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce`...
[15:24:57] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce - ragu-di-pesce`...
[15:24:57] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce`
[15:24:57] CREATING `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce` `Ricetta`
[15:24:57] Associate post `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce` with current import ...
[15:24:57] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:57] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:57] IMAGES:
[15:24:57] - Importing image `ù-di-pesce-NOSTROMO.jpg` for `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce` ...
[15:24:57] - Searching for existing image `ù-di-pesce-NOSTROMO.jpg` by URL...
[15:24:57] - Search for existing image `ragù-di-pesce-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:57] - WARNING: Image ragù-di-pesce-NOSTROMO.jpg not found in media gallery.
[15:24:57] - Downloading image from `ù-di-pesce-NOSTROMO.jpg`
[15:24:57] - Downloading image from ``
[15:24:57] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:57] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:57] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:57] CREATED `Pappardelle con ragù di pesce` `Ricetta` (ID: 12528)
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:57] ---
[15:24:57] Record #76
[15:24:57] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:57] Combine all data for post `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente`...
[15:24:57] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente`...
[15:24:57] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente - filetti-di-sgombro`...
[15:24:57] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente`
[15:24:57] CREATING `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente` `Ricetta`
[15:24:58] Associate post `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente` with current import ...
[15:24:58] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:58] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] IMAGES:
[15:24:58] - Importing image `` for `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente` ...
[15:24:58] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:58] - Search for existing image `Filetti-di-Sgombro.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:58] - Found existing image with ID `12141` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Filetti-di-Sgombro.jpg`...
[15:24:58] - Using existing image `Filetti-di-Sgombro.jpg` for post `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente` ...
[15:24:58] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:58] - Attachment with ID: `12141` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:58] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:58] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:58] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:58] CREATED `Filetti di sgombro al profumo d’oriente` `Ricetta` (ID: 12529)
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:58] ---
[15:24:58] Record #77
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:58] Combine all data for post `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere`...
[15:24:58] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere`...
[15:24:58] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere - torta-salata-zucca-sgombro-olive-nere`...
[15:24:58] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere`
[15:24:58] CREATING `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere` `Ricetta`
[15:24:58] Associate post `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere` with current import ...
[15:24:58] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:58] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:58] IMAGES:
[15:24:58] - Importing image `` for `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere` ...
[15:24:58] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:58] - Search for existing image `torta-salata_MANUELA_MORARA.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:58] - Found existing image with ID `12322` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `torta-salata_MANUELA_MORARA.jpg`...
[15:24:58] - Using existing image `torta-salata_MANUELA_MORARA.jpg` for post `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere` ...
[15:24:58] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:58] - Attachment with ID: `12322` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:58] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:58] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:58] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:58] CREATED `Torta salata zucca, sgombro con olive nere` `Ricetta` (ID: 12530)
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:58] ---
[15:24:58] Record #78
[15:24:58] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:58] Combine all data for post `Cous cous autunnale`...
[15:24:58] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Cous cous autunnale`...
[15:24:58] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Cous cous autunnale - cous-cous-autunnale`...
[15:24:58] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Cous cous autunnale`
[15:24:58] CREATING `Cous cous autunnale` `Ricetta`
[15:24:59] Associate post `Cous cous autunnale` with current import ...
[15:24:59] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:59] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] IMAGES:
[15:24:59] - Importing image `` for `Cous cous autunnale` ...
[15:24:59] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:59] - Search for existing image `Cous-Cous-Autunnale-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:59] - Found existing image with ID `12110` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Cous-Cous-Autunnale-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:59] - Using existing image `Cous-Cous-Autunnale-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Cous cous autunnale` ...
[15:24:59] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:59] - Attachment with ID: `12110` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:59] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:59] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:59] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:59] CREATED `Cous cous autunnale` `Ricetta` (ID: 12531)
[15:24:59] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:59] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:24:59] ---
[15:24:59] Record #79
[15:24:59] ACTION: pmxi_before_post_import ...
[15:24:59] Combine all data for post `Farro salva-cena`...
[15:24:59] Find corresponding article among previously imported for post `Farro salva-cena`...
[15:24:59] Duplicate post wasn't found with unique key `Farro salva-cena - farro-salva-cena`...
[15:24:59] Applying filter `pmxi_article_data` for `Farro salva-cena`
[15:24:59] CREATING `Farro salva-cena` `Ricetta`
[15:24:59] Associate post `Farro salva-cena` with current import ...
[15:24:59] ACF ADD-ON:
[15:24:59] - Importing field `categoria_post`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_header`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `tempi_di_preparazione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `difficolta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `preparazione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_1`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_2`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `testo_3`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_1`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `immagine_2`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore_blog`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `autore_professione`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `prodotto_correlato`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_0_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_1_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_2_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_3_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_4_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_5_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_6_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_7_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_8_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_9_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_10_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_11_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_12_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_13_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_14_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_15_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_16_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] - Importing field `ingredienti_ricetta_17_ingrediente_ricetta`
[15:24:59] IMAGES:
[15:24:59] - Importing image `` for `Farro salva-cena` ...
[15:24:59] - Searching for existing image `` by URL...
[15:24:59] - Search for existing image `Farro-NOSTROMO.jpg` by `_wp_attached_file` ...
[15:24:59] - Found existing image with ID `12132` by meta key _wp_attached_file equals to `Farro-NOSTROMO.jpg`...
[15:24:59] - Using existing image `Farro-NOSTROMO.jpg` for post `Farro salva-cena` ...
[15:24:59] - ACTION: pmxi_gallery_image
[15:24:59] - Attachment with ID: `12132` has been successfully updated for image ``
[15:24:59] TAXONOMIES:
[15:24:59] - Importing taxonomy `category` ...
[15:24:59] - Attempted to create parent Ricetta category `Buono in Cucina`, duplicate detected. Importing Ricetta to existing `Buono in cucina` category, ID 221, slug `buono-in-cucina` ...
[15:24:59] CREATED `Farro salva-cena` `Ricetta` (ID: 12532)
[15:24:59] ACTION: pmxi_saved_post
[15:24:59] ACTION: pmxi_after_post_import
[15:25:00] Cleaning temporary data...